Since I was a teenager, I always wanted and enjoyed traveling. I always had a dream to visit Disney Land to live their rides which thankfully I have and other amazing theme parks in America like Universal Studios, Six Flags, Busch Gardens, and Sea World. I do recommend you visit all of them in America because they are worth being on your dream bucket list at any age you are. Traveling has always given me a sense of wisdom feeling whenever I come back to my country and home. I felt there was a hidden secret of happiness and joy expanding within me not from the outside in but inside out. The feeling was very subtle and calm and lasted months within me without anyone else noticing. A true sense of pleasure and gratitude it was. I believed as I visit other places and meet other people outside my area, I get to live and see how they lived and saw things from their perspective. I would randomly greet people and start conversations and makeup jokes wherever I was. Now I came to understand at age 32 years old that my thoughts on traveling were healthy and served me well in finding myself and not only for tourism. Reconsider how grateful I am for what I live on and have once returned to my country as it becomes easier to compare myself with the people I meet and observe abroad in the real world.

“Travel and wake up.” – Prophet Mohammad

The answer was I became awake and aware during my travels. The real joy and happiness were in living the NOW. Realizing the Power of Now is a huge gift. Many people live in a daily routine of their lives at a stupor level. Similar to dream walking. They are on auto-pilot mode. Their mind and 5 senses function on the same level all day every day. That programming does not teach a lot in knowing oneself. Rarely any new information, idea, or experience is formed or expressed. Therefore, they live based on their surroundings expectations and their past. Hardly any new paradigm can be thought of as they are physically placed in the same huge box with many smaller boxes within. They see the same people daily, eat the same food, go to the same places, think the same thoughts, wear the same clothes, work the same way and enjoy in the same place. Part of the in-direct learning I receive is how to focus on the Now. There is no stress, worry, negative thoughts, or problems once your focus is in the NOW. It has been called present for a reason. It truly is a gift to live and stay in the present all day long. Give full attention and awareness of your 5 senses to your current situation. There are only situations to be dealt with not problems in one’s life. Once learned how to focus on the power of Now and use it fully, I experience a gigantic energy force within me. I came to my senses more and utilized them to my full potential in every situation I came across good or bad. There is no end in the NOW. Think of it as a dance, if you stand up and go for a dance, do you think about yesterday or tomorrow? There is no time for that in your brain. You are super engaged in the present moment dancing and using your body to the fullest to maximize the joy in the activity because you have very little time and so much to be filled. You are focused on the Now only. Simply life I see it the same way and has served me very well. I look at it as a dance or destination where my focus is on the action, not the results of endpoint throughout the day. We all know the famous say as if you keep watching the time it will not pass, especially if you want it to. The same goes for our lives. We cannot control results or outcomes, that is in God’s control. But what we can control is our thoughts and actions. Learning to live in the present will prove to you that 90% of your worries are false made-up stories that do not exist or will serve you any good. You will get to watch your thoughts when they drift to where they enjoy going (negative hole) and it will be easier for you to appreciate being in a meditative mindful state of mind and body. You will become more still, relaxed and productive once you be in that state because your mind will have more space for positive thoughts and your body with positive energy to be released and expressed. Your speed of thought will be greater and sharper so your focus will improve dramatically as you carry less in your mind continuously as it becomes your habit to enjoying being in a light state. Looking at nature and animals we can observe so much with the power of Now. If we pay close attention and feel their energy, we can see they live in the power of Now. They do not worry about yesterday or tomorrow, for that they are blessed by God to flourish just like a caterpillar not afraid of breaking its self-identity and past of what it was and become a butterfly to fly all over. As loud as animals might be they do carry a peaceful state because they have no ego, fear, status, or resistance. They may come across situations where they need to turn their fight or flight response but in their everyday lives, they are enjoying their present moment than many people are. The more and longer you pay attention to the mind the less power you give it to drift and dwell into negative situations, fear, worry, and anxiety. Which it will always do. So be the third party of it to be able to watch it from another perspective and notice it easier for each drift it takes. Break who you are, who you have always been, and start making internal changes that you have not made before within yourself to start living and achieving things that you have not yet achieved. The mind and spirit are like a parachute, it only functions when it is open. They love to expand and learn through studying and not just mental activity. Many people confuse living in the now with planning for their future. Here is the misconception. You may structure fixed timing daily 10-30 minutes to plan for your day-month-year-decade but don’t get caught up in planning 24 hours even while asleep. You don’t need all that to get to where you want to go. Set a daily routine and visualize a momentum with you in it for your planning to your life in a fixed manner, to remove the heaviness of it in you throughout your day and allow more time to enjoy the other activities that you will make in your day.

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