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Isabella is a young superstar mentee from the Philippines of mine which has taken my advice to the next level.

She did an amazing job paying her learnings forward after reading my book.

I must say I am astonished by her performance & outcome shared in her video for my book review. Even though my Youtube channel has over 100+ book review videos, I must say I did learn ALOT just from her video. She even made a better review of my book than I. I am not sure whether to be grateful or embarrassed now.

The best way to learn is to teach & the best way to teach is to learn.

It is a vice versa correlation, so I guess now you know why I love coaching in all forms & ways that I can think of (academically, professionally & personally).

Before I let you hop on to the link below & watch her unbelievable review video of my book for some visual learning, allow me to share with you what I believe she loved most from the book as she quoted twice in her video which CLICKED very well & is her biggest TWM TIME WORTH MOMENT.

“If you are in a middle of a dance, would you think about tomorrow or yesterday?”

OK enough reading for now & let us watch the video together!

